Six Flags

Turmoil, trends, & branding

Turmoil, trends, & branding

As we watch the roller coaster ride of parks being bought and sold, drama with owners and management, and wild swings in the economy, actually seeing how that impacts the parks has its own series of ups and downs.

Jon and I spent a few days last summer at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Kings Dominion, and Hersheypark. These are three great theme parks, but recent trends

Opryland's sister park

Opryland's sister park

Opryland, USA was the brainchild of Irving Waugh, President of WSM, Inc. This was the Nashville radio station best known for the Grand Ole Opry, one of the most popular radio shows in the country. Irving pushed the company to build a theme park in order to help finance construction of a brand new Opry hall, since the old Ryman was on its last legs (and beyond). Long story short

Six Flags DC UNIVERSE: Tragedy or Moving On?

Six Flags DC UNIVERSE: Tragedy or Moving On?

First off…rumor has it I may—or may not—have been working on a special project that will knock your socks off. But I got that from a source working on the inside with the Dippin’ Dots dude, so you know how that is. (Surely this whole Dippin’ Dots thing originated from some marketing genius at the company. Any of you run to the stand every time you hear park rumors?) I also was told on the sly that the corporate lawyers got busy figuring out what to do with it…but they waved their magic wand, blessed it, and

Astroworld: Judge Roy Hofheinz & Harper Goff

Astroworld: Judge Roy Hofheinz & Harper Goff

I’ve posted another vintage park map tour on the site. This one’s for Astroworld, which opened in 1968. Judge Roy Hofheinz was the larger-than-life personality in the Houston area who built the Astrodome, Astroworld Hotel, then opened his personal playground on fifty-six