Rivershore Creative - Rivershore Press


Rivershore Press is dedicated to education. We want to develop resources that will empower individuals—focusing on learning meaningful things rather than teaching subjects.

There are several ways we can help you, depending on your situation and needs:

  • Consulting for the attractions industry. Experience design projects often involve aspects of learning, whether it be a museum exhibit, educational pavilion, or even a fictional storytelling environment. Understanding how people learn new things can increase the effectiveness of the attraction, thereby ensuring a positive visitor experience.

  • Faculty and teachers. Most instructors teach like they assume they’re supposed to, largely based on what they experienced themselves as students. Much of this is flat wrong and ineffective. You can help your students learn far better with an understanding of how individuals learn new things. Hint—it has nothing at all to do with test scores and writing essays. We can also assist with developing curriculum, ensuring it’s far more than just a collection of courses from the catalog.

  • Academic publishing. Faculty members are often expected to publish for tenure and promotion. Other times you just want to share your expertise. We can explain how all this works, helping you understand the various options you’ll run into as you look for a publisher. If your discipline is in the experience design and attractions industry, that’s right in our lane, so we can work with you to get your book into the right hands.

  • Educational resources for faculty & students. Books, podcasts, and other sources, primarily in the themed attractions & experience design industry.

Our principal officer here at Rivershore is a 30-year veteran of higher education with a doctorate in instructional design. Dr. Hill has worked with faculty of all levels, founded the Center for Teaching & Learning at his institution, and has shared at numerous educational conferences. Let him help you in your academic endeavors—the goal is to inspire and equip individuals who dream of doing great things. So let's get to it!