Elizabeth City

Rediscover Home


A photographic journey of a quaint, riverside town in North Carolina.

Most people never really see their hometown. They drive to work, drive to church, drive to the grocery store, and it’s all taken for granted. That was me when I lived in Elizabeth City in the early 1990s; it wasn’t until twenty years later on a visit to my in-laws that I decided to do a “walkabout”. 

The simple act of slowing down, getting out of the car, and exploring nooks and crannies revealed beautiful architecture, scenery, and the stories behind it all. For such a quiet, unassuming town, this place has a rich history to accompany the beautiful waterfront views. 

So I grabbed my camera and started snapping away, collecting hundreds of photos from around town. This book presents a small window into that journey—one you should try yourself. Re-discover your hometown…for the first time.


Take a "walkabout" with over 200 photos and a few bits of history along the way.